Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
Medical Group
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Is a Rhinoscopy a good Choice for Your Symptoms? Learn More About This Procedure

Is a Rhinoscopy a good Choice for Your Symptoms? Learn More About This Procedure

If you’ve been having trouble with your sinuses and can’t seem to find relief then you may feel discouraged. You may feel hopeless to ever find a solution. We know how frustrating this situation is. We are here to help. Read on to learn more about an excellent diagnostic tool, the rhinoscopy, and how it may help you. Then reach out to Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 to make an appointment with an allergist.

What is rhinoscopy?

First, let’s discuss exactly what rhinoscopy is. Also known as fiberoptic rhinolaryngoscopy, it’s a method that’s designed to examine the inside of your nose and throat. With other methods, the doctor can only see around half an inch into your nose. This is fine for most issues, but if you have a more serious nasal issue then this simply isn’t sufficient.

With the rhinoscope, your doctor can see much more of your nose, the adenoids, the eustachian tube, throat, and even vocal cords. The rhinoscope itself is a small plastic tube that’s flexible. It has fiberoptics on it so that we can see your airways. It is typically attached to a TV camera that gives us a permanent record of the exam.

What to expect during the exam

We’ll start out by decongesting your nose by using a nose spray. Once we’ve done that, we’ll use another nose spray that provides local anesthesia. Once your nose is numb, you’ll be able to tell that we’re entering your nose with the scope but there won’t be any pain. For some people, especially those with small nasal passages, some part of the exam can be uncomfortable. However, you should not feel pain and if you do, then you need to tell your doctor right away.

During most of the exam, you can breathe through your nose or your mouth. However, when the vocal cords are being looked at, you’ll need to breathe through your nose and you shouldn’t swallow. It’s not dangerous to do so, but it can be uncomfortable.

Rhinoscopy for children

Children are actually more likely to have allergies than adults and many parents wonder if the rhinoscopy is okay for their child. The short answer is that the procedure is indeed safe to perform on children but, as is true of most things at the doctor’s office, they aren’t likely to enjoy it. Older kids often put up with the process better than adults do, but we recommend that small children sit on a parent’s lap during the exam.

Get the answers you’ve been looking for

At Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group, we don’t give every client a rhinoscopy because it’s not the right move for every client. However, if it’s a good fit for your symptoms then it can provide valuable information about what your underlying conditions are. The more we know, the better able we will be to create a treatment plan that works. The first step is to call us at 805-658-9500 to make an appointment. We look forward to helping you.