Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
Medical Group
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Do You Fall into Any of These Categories That Make You High Risk for Asthma?

Do You Fall into Any of These Categories That Make You High Risk for Asthma?

Many people assume that whether or not they get asthma is nothing more than the luck of the draw. This is far from the truth. While anyone can suffer from the respiratory disease known as asthma, there are people within certain categories that are at a higher risk of developing it. Keep reading to learn what these categories are, and then contact Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 if you believe you might have asthma.

A Family with a History of Asthma

Genetics can have an impact on your likelihood of developing asthma. If you have close relatives that have asthma, then you will have a higher than average chance of developing asthma. A recent study showed that a person with one parent who has asthma has a 25% chance of developing asthma, while a person with two asthmatic parents has a 50% chance of developing asthma. Interestingly, scientists have identified the gene that affects how susceptible a person is to developing asthma.

Age and Sex

Sex can play a huge part in how likely a person is to get asthma. However, we cannot say that men or women are more likely because it actually changes as a person ages. For example, there are more prepubescent boys with asthma than girls, but once a child hits puberty, girls are more likely than boys to develop asthma. Around the age of 20, both sexes have essentially identical asthma risks, but after the age of 40, a woman has a higher chance of developing asthma than a man.

It is also worth noting that women are more likely to have severe asthma attacks than men are.

Living in a Polluted Environment

There are some environments that can increase the chance of a person developing asthma. If you have a lot of dust particles in your home or business, if you work around chemical fumes, if you are regularly around a lot of hair, fur, and pet dander, if you have a lot of plant pollen around you, or your breath in metal particles as part of your job, then you will have a higher chance of having asthma compared to the average person.


A person with a higher than recommended weight can potentially be at higher risk for several health issues, including asthma. There is a link between obesity and asthma, but no clear answer on whether a person who is obese is more likely to become asthmatic or a person how is asthmatic is more likely to become obese.

If you believe you might have asthma, it is important to talk to an allergy and asthma expert. You can contact Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 today to make an appointment.