Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
Medical Group
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Urticaria is a Skin Condition That Can Be Treated: Let Us Help You

Urticaria is a Skin Condition That Can Be Treated: Let Us Help YouIf you have a red rash with raised red welts then you may have urticaria. Also known as hives, this skin condition exists on the surface of your skin. Though most people experience itchy along with it, urticaria can also feel painful or even feel as though the skin has been burned.

If you’ve been dealing with red skin and welts then it’s time to get some relief. Your physician may have run out of ideas but Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group specializes in these and other allergic reactions. We can perform the right tests to find the cause of your condition and can treat it with the most effective methods possible, whether it’s a series of shots or a topical cream, we will find something that works for you.

There are many potential causes of urticaria

There isn’t one way to treat all cases of urticaria on account of how many different causes it can have. Some of the most common causes include thyroid disorders, being exposed to extreme hot or cold, contracting an autoimmune disorder, or having low vitamin D. Exposure to allergens like pollens, certain medications, certain animals, latex, and specific foods can also cause it. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of everything that can cause urticaria.

Acute urticaria lasts for six weeks or less

Acute urticaria is can last for just a few minutes or as long as six weeks. When it presents in young children, it’s often the result of a viral infection. In that instance, it’s likely to resolve itself within six weeks without any medication. Note that antibiotics don’t help with urticaria if the root cause is a viral infection. Why? Because viruses aren’t killed by antibiotics. That said, you should still have it checked out to ensure that it’s a harmless acute case of urticaria and not something more serious.

Chronic urticaria lasts for more than six weeks

In most cases, the cause of a chronic urticaria disorder, which will last for more than six months, will never be done. The first thing we’ll typically do is prescribe you some non-sedating antihistamines. They may reduce or completely diminish the symptoms of the flare up. Depending on the specifics of the case, there are other ways in which Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group can treat this condition.

For example, we may work with you to ensure that your skin stays moisturized, help you understand what triggers to avoid to ensure it doesn’t get worse, advise you to wear loose fitting clothes that won’t aggravate the condition, or provide medicated cream to lessen the symptoms.

Anyone can get urticaria

It’s important to understand that a person can come down with urticaria at any point in their life. They should be checked out and monitored not just by a medical professional but by someone that’s familiar with this particular condition. To learn more about how you can get help in Southern California, contact Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 today. We’re here to diagnose and treat your urticaria.