Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
Medical Group
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Untreated Eye Allergies Can Lead to Long-Term Vision Problems

Untreated Eye Allergies Can Lead to Long-Term Vision Problems

According to a recent study, despite the fact that eye allergies are fairly common, only about 15% of people get the proper treatment. While some eye allergies are minor and do nothing more than cause discomfort, others can lead to vision loss. Learn about the various eye allergies by reading on. Then contact Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 for help treating allergies.

There Are Many Types of Eye Allergies

Your allergist may diagnose any one of several eye allergies. When they determine the type of allergy you have, they will be able to find the right treatment and the best way to relieve symptoms. Determining the type of allergy can be done by assessing symptoms, exams, and allergy testing.

Allergic Conjunctivitis

The most common of all eye allergies is allergic conjunctivitis. This only affects the conjunctiva, which is a thin membrane that covers the white parts of your eyes. This is a less serious allergy than others you could be dealing with because your cornea is not affected and it rarely results in long-term complications. The only complications that generally happen are the result of people rubbing or scratching their eyes due to itching.

Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis

Also known as GPC, Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis can affect anyone but is much more common in people who wear contact lessons. Symptoms include bumps under the top eyelid and feeling as though there is something in the eye even when there is not. Other symptoms can include red eyes, itching, watering, and swelling.

If this condition is not diagnosed and treated, it could lead to cornea damage. This occurs when the bumps under the eyelid begin to scrape the corneas. Remember that corneas are essential in many ways, including refracting light and providing vision.

Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis and Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis

Also known as VKC and AKC, these two eye allergies come with symptoms that are initially very similar to the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. However, they will progress and become much more serious if they are not treated. This can include eyelid thickening, eyelid dropping, corneal thinning, scarring, cataracts, and permanent vision loss.

Both of these allergies are most common in people who have atopic dermatitis. Depending on the study, it is estimated that between 25 and 40% of all people with atopic dermatitis will also suffer from AKC. If you suspect you have an eye allergy, it is worth contacting Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 to be tested. You want to ensure that you are as safe as possible.