Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
Medical Group
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Tired of Coughing? Find Out How an Allergist Can Help

Tired of Coughing? Find Out How an Allergist Can Help

A chronic cough is more than an inconvenience. It can wake a person up at night, which reduces their total sleep and can affect their overall health and their entire lives. It can affect their ability to enjoy a social event. In short, a chronic cough can ruin a person’s quality of life. If you are in this position and are tired of coughing, then now is the time to take action.

When you choose to work with Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 for assistance diagnosing and treating your cough, you can trust that we will look first for the underlying cause and then the best way to treat it. We will take care of all testing, which may include pulmonary function testing as well as other types of tests. Once we know what we are dealing with, we will come up with a comprehensive treatment plan that can help restore your quality of life.

How to know when to call an allergist

One of the most common question we get about coughs is how to know when it is time to call the doctor. After all, most people cough sometimes and their coughs go away. They are often associated with a cold or a temporary allergy. However, when that cough doesn’t go away, at what point is it appropriate to contact a doctor?

The answer is simple: A cough that lasts for more than eight weeks is a chronic cough and should be looked at by a doctor. The most common causes of chronic allergies are related to asthma and / or allergy issues, which makes an allergist a great first line of defense. This is especially true if your cough come along with other symptoms such as heartburn, nasal drip, or wheezing. If you are not sure if an allergist is the right person to talk to, contact us at 805-658-9500 and we will assess you.

There are a number of ways an allergist can help

When you choose to work with Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group you can count on us helping in a wide range of ways. We are experts in diagnosing and treating chronic coughs that are caused in whole or in part by allergies or asthma. If we suspect it may be related to asthma then we are likely to move forward with pulmonary function tests. If we suspect it is an allergy issue, then we will look for hay fever indicators or other potential causes of nasal drip.

We can also provide help with other causes of chronic cough such as acid reflux. No matter what the cause of the cough is, we will provide a comprehensive treatment plan that takes into account your entire health history and any medications you are currently on. Get started by contacting us at 805-658-9500 and we can make an appointment for you.