Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
Medical Group
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NUCALA: Have You Heard of This Innovative Treatment for Severe Asthma?

NUCALA: Have You Heard of This Innovative Treatment for Severe Asthma?

If you have severe eosinophilic asthma then you’re likely living with terrible symptoms. If you’ve been trying to keep it under wraps with inhalers and steroid medications, but it’s just not working as well as you need it to, then we may have a solution for you: NUCALA. As is true of just about any type of medical treatment, it’s not right for everyone. That said, those who benefit from these injections see huge benefits.

Read on to learn more and then reach out to Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 to learn more about your options. We can do a full workup to ensure that every option available to you has been attempted – which may include NUCALA.

The way it works

In its most basic form, NUCALA works by lower the number of eosinophils in your blood. Remember that everyone has eosinophils, and that they’re a normal and necessary part of the immune system. That said, when there are too many of them, they can result in serious inflammation in the body’s airways and lungs. Asthma attacks are often the result of this inflammation.

If you’re one of the many people with asthma who has a higher than normal eosinophil count, then NUCALA may be just what you need to reduce how much eosinophils there are in your blood. When they’re lowered, then you can see less inflammation and a much lower incident of asthma attacks. While result will vary by patient, we’ve found that for most of the patients we see, severe asthma attacks are cut in half.

More about the actual treatment

Now that you know how the medicine works, let’s discuss who it’s administered. Essentially, you’ll come in to our offices about once every four weeks. We’ll give you the injections. While you’re getting them, we’ll keep you on all your current asthma-related medications. This is because NUCALA isn’t a steroid and it works differently than any other type of asthma treatment. It will work over time and though it’s not an overnight cure, it can make a huge impact on your quality of life in the long run.

The most important thing to remember when choosing these injections is that you must keep up on the schedule or you won’t get the full benefits of the treatment. Unfortunately, it’s all too common for people to see some relief and to stop with their treatments, only to see their condition get as bad as it was before.

NUCALA safety information

When we work with patients who’ve never heard of NUCALA, it’s understandable that they often have safety concerns. The good news is that the FDA has approved this drug for the treatment of severe asthma. There have been several scientific studies that confirm it’s effective. As is true of most treatments, there are some possible side effects. We will discuss these with you if we decide it’s the right treatment.

To make an appointment and learn more about NUCALA and other treatments for severe asthma, please reach out to Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 today.