Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
Medical Group
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Learn the Important Dos and Don’ts for People Who Suffer from Nasal Allergies

Learn the Important Dos and Don’ts for People Who Suffer from Nasal Allergies

If you suffer from nasal allergies, it can seem as though nothing you do make a difference. However, there are some essential dos and don’ts. If you follow them, you might find that your symptoms are gone or significantly reduced. You can also contact Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 to learn about allergy treatments that could help you.

Do: Know What Your Triggers Are

One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to know what your triggers are so that you can avoid them. Do you sneeze every time your cat sleeps with you? Do you find your eyes watering when flowers are blooming? Do you get stuffed up if you spend time in a dusty atmosphere?

It can be hard to determine what specific allergy triggers you have but it is important to do so. If you are not sure at all, you can make an appointment with Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group for allergy testing. We will ask you a series of questions, take medical information, and proceed with any necessary testing. The most common test is what’s known as a skin-prick test. It involves adding an extremely small amount of an allergen into a marked area of your skin so that we can determine if a reaction occurs.

Don’t: Make Too Much Use of Nasal Decongestant Sprays

You may get some relief from nasal decongestants when you are having a serious allergy attack, but they should not be used for more than a few days at once. If you use them too frequently, they can have what’s known as the “rebound effect” that actually makes symptoms worse.

Do: Rinse Your Sinuses

Saline rinses, which use purified water and salt, can be very effective in getting rid of irritants that cause allergies. This natural option does not require any medication and there are no side effects. You can buy a saline nasal spray at the store, or you can use a neti pot. Just be sure you are not using tap water but are only using purified water. Tap water could potentially make you sick.

Don’t: Wear Contact Lenses All Day Every Day

If you need eye correction, do not rely solely on contact lenses. Certain allergens, such as pollen and dust, can settle on the lenses and make reactions worse. If you use contact lenses and your eyes are always red and itchy, it may be the contacts that are the issue. You can try alternating between glasses and contacts to see if this works better for you.

If you are tired of living with allergies and want to find the best solutions for your needs, we recommend contacting Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 to make an appointment with an allergist.